Develop Your Export Compliance Program Workshop Registration

Attend the Develop Your Export Compliance Program Workshop at No Charge!

The Wisconsin SBDC Network, in collaboration with the WCTC’s Corporate Training Center and thanks to CARES Act funding, will allow companies statewide to send up to two employees to the December 17 Develop Your Export Compliance Program Workshop at no cost. This first-come, first-served offer is limited to small- and medium-sized companies with fewer than 500 full-time employees. Participants may attend the workshop virtually; capacity is limited. 

After submitting the requested information below, an email will be sent to complete the Wisconsin SBDC Network’s Request for Counseling Form (RFC). After completion of the RFC, companies will be contacted to confirm that they qualify for this scholarship. In addition, 4-6 weeks after completion of the Develop Your Export Compliance Program Workshop, a survey will be sent to evaluate the success of the program.

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